Streatham Ice Skating Action Group

Home Page

Home (*)

Aims and Objectives

Campaign News (*)

Picture Gallery

Project Updates

Rink History

Rink Events

Planning Information


Contact SISAG

(*) Updated 12.09.14

This is the home page of the Streatham Ice Skating Action Group (SISAG). There has been an ice rink in Streatham (South London, UK) since 1931. In the light of the planning application by Tescos to re-develop the site, and Lambeth Council's consultation on the surrounding area, many people were concerned about possibly losing the ice rink, but were not in contact with each other. SISAG was set up to share information and co-ordinate a campaign to preserve ice skating in Streatham.

The aims of SISAG are in Aims and Objectives. Information about the campaign is posted on Campaign News. Information about SISAG email updates, and project updates from Lambeth is available at Project Updates. The original Streatham rink was the second oldest in the country. For some historical information see Rink History. The new Streatham rink is now open and events are happening there - see Rink Events. For links to other relevant sites see Links. For details of how to contact the group see Contact SISAG.

SISAG was also part of the Stakeholders Group that Lambeth set up to be consulted about the leisure development.

When Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre opened in November 2013, SISAG's aims of preserving ice skating in Streatham, continuous ice provision (albeit via a temporary rink) and a full-size 60x30m ice pad were achieved, and active campaigning has largely stopped. This website is preserved mainly for historical purposes, as an archive of what it took to get to where we are now.

********Latest ********

Lambeth/GLL Consultation on Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre

Lambeth Council, working in partnership with GLL, the company commissioned to run the centre, are holding a consultation to get feedback about Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre.

There are two separate questionnaires aimed at adults and children who use the centre regularly. They want to know what you would like to see more of, what you think should be improved, and how you would like to get more involved.

Ways to get involved are

  • Fill in an online questionnaire – by going to Lambeth Council’s website
  • Paper copies are available at the centre and in Streatham Library
  • Send an email to
  • Call on Freephone 0800 013 1497
  • Public meeting on Thursday 2 October 2014 from 7.00 to 8.30pm at Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre

The consultation ends at 5 pm on Friday 10 October 2014.

Pictures of the Development

The Picture Gallery includes pictures of the development since the start. Here are direct links to the most recent pictures of Streatham Hub (14th March 2014) and Brixton Rink Dismantling (27th Feb 2014).

For more details see Campaign News.

Page last updated: 12th September 2014